Agrovoltaic fish farms and their benefits for nature

Agro-voltaic fish farms combine artificial intelligence and solar technology with traditional fish farming practices. This type of aquaculture uses solar panels to produce the electricity needed to power the farm’s pumps and filters, and lighting to ensure optimal fish health. As a result, agro-voltaic fish farms are a more sustainable, energy-efficient way.


The benefits of this technology for nature are numerous. By using solar energy to power their operations, agro-voltaic fish farms reduce the amount of fossil fuels used in fish farming operations. This reduces air pollution as fewer greenhouse gases are released into the atmosphere. In addition, the solar panels used in these fish farms produce clean energy, which has no form of pollution or carbon emissions, and its surplus can be injected into the national electricity grid.

Agro-voltaic fish farms also save water because they require less operation than traditional fish farms. This is because the solar panels heat the water to increase the efficiency of the farm. This helps reduce water evaporation and improve water quality, creating healthy habitats for aquatic species.

By reducing the amount of environmental pollution and conserving resources, agro-voltaic fish farms can help improve local ecosystems and habitats. They can also help boost the local economy by creating new employment opportunities in the fish farming industry and providing a sustainable source of fresh fish.

At the same time, placing photovoltaic panels above the fish farms solves an important logistical problem: finding free areas that can be exploited.

A photovoltaic fish farm is a win-win business:

  • The energy produced is clean.
  • The farm itself has enough space to place a sufficient number of photovoltaic panels.
  • The operating expenses of such a farm can drop considerably.

Would you like such an agro-voltaic fish farm?

Tel: +40 732 166 676
NR. Ireg. J16/1636/2022

Craiova, str. Vasile Alecsandri nr 55A-55B
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